Wednesday, August 20, 2014

End it all now

Topically speaking and currently trending as per
contemporary social media-- the world is going to
hell in a hand basket. A basket case. While a small
city simmers from summer over-media exposure,
a puzzling high number of otherwise dignified sorts
douse themselves with ice-shower-drenched selfies.

This causes me to wonder. Should our president 
intervene? Would American life be best served by 
pulling the plug on the whole internet thing, that's it 
kids no more internet for you, or ending the broiling
situation in Missouri? It's pretty much his call. One 
action will cause a "third-world war" the other may
rekindle a divisive civil war. 

The harsh reality being----some conflagrations really 
need to burn out sans ministrations from well intended 
do-gooders.  The U.S. Justice Department is there with 
highly focused resources in place. Just chill out America, 
every single individual deserves a vacation--- not one more 
over-dramatized reality show.

Tim Mc

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