Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Area Man Complains
  Area Man Tim William
Has been heard complai-
ning that a recent art-
icle in the Daily Onion
has made him feel grumpy. 
The faux news article 
highlighted doing the 
thing you love, when you
can. Things like having
a blog-page or web-site.
Why compile and archive
historical literacy arti-
facts when you can take 
a nap or read or watch
something? Grumpy.
Nothing Linked Here >>>>> 

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Philip  Roth
Afootsee here
The set is the audience place.
The audience observes the help.
The help observe life as it plays out to them. 
The play is called Flick. 
It should resonate, well.
Reviewed here =============>

Monday, March 11, 2013